Training Needs Assessment

PHP will conduct training needs assessments based on reviews of secondary data and primary collection of qualitative and quantitative input from our stakeholders from Michigan and beyond. Trainings developed by PHP address the strategic skill domains identified by the de Beaumont Foundation in their 2017 report, Building Skills for a More Strategic Public Health Workforce: A Call to Action, as well as the Core Competencies for Public Health Professionals established by the Council on Linkages Between Academia and Public Health Practice.


Public Health Prepared: A Program of the Michigan Center for Infectious Disease Threats and Pandemic Preparedness. 2023 Training Needs Assessment. Infectious Disease and Emergency Preparedness Workforce Training Needs in Michigan FINDINGS INDUSTRY KNOWLEDGE is needed on: • Interpreting federal and state communication guidelines and translating them to the public • Implementing mandates and recommendations • Understanding the public health code • The role of climate on infectious disease • Communicating about disease prevention to diverse communities • Addressing vaccine hesitancy and culturally competent messaging that addresses root causes of hesitancy • Analyzing data • Knowing how to make data-driven decisions • Emerging career opportunities in infectious disease. PROCESS: Public Health Prepared (PHP) partnered with the Michigan Public Health Institute (MMPHI) to conduct 4 focus groups to inform PHP training and resource development for infectious disease preparedness and response. Key informants invited to participate were from: MI state and local health departments, Hospitals and health systems, Academia (researchers and clinicians), MI professional organizations. Details: May and June 2023, via Zoom, Infectious Disease Emergency Preparedness (one group with 20 participants; one group with 16 participants), Immunizations (one group with 12 participants), Zoonotic Infectious Disease (one group with 11 participants). This study was determined to be Exempt by the University of Michigan Health Sciences and Behavioral Sciences IRB (HUM00233304) and MPHI Office of Research Integrity IRB (AB184-UMsubproject-CHC-04.2023-N-04.2024). FINDINGS: INDUSTRY KNOWLEDGE is needed on: Interpreting federal and state communication guidelines and translating them to the public; Implementing mandates and recommendations; Understanding the public health code; The role of climate on infectious disease; Communicating about disease prevention to diverse communities; Addressing vaccine hesitancy and culturally competent messaging that addresses root causes of hesitancy; Analyzing data; Knowing how to make data-driven decisions; Emerging career opportunities in infectious disease prevention and control. RELATIONSHIP-BUILDING SKILLS are needed for: Maintaining and building cross-sector partnerships built during the pandemic to prepare for future emerging issues; Convenings, such as conventions or conferences, to network across sectors; Connections between rural and urban settings. COMMUNICATION SKILLS are needed to: Improve capacity and connections between rural and urban settings; Help rural departments deliver information and services to their communities faster; Inform organizations of the latest technology available and funding opportunities. RECOMMENDATIONS: Provide more assistance with training; Resume in-person trainings; Offer more diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) training opportunities; Improve across-the-board public health education; Increase vaccine knowledge for health care workers.